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Graduate Studio - Winter 2020
Professor Glenn Wilcox
University of Michigan

Nominated for Taubman Student Show 2021

Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)
3/8" Diameter A36 Steel Rod

13" deep x 18" wide x 18" tall

KUKA KR120 7-axis Robotic Arm w/ Rod Bender
CR Onsrud 3-axis CNC Mill

Work done in collaboration with Ben Lawson

The stool is the most fundamental and elemental tool for sitting. Essentially a chair without a back – its simplicity, consistent use and ubiquity offers up an interesting challenge for a designer. When doing ‘something’ with so little, attention to material, detail, line, and form become essential. The goal of the project was to study and leverage the unique design opportunities created by the materials, Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) and A36 Steel Rod. Influenced by the primary tools offered (3 axis CNC Router, KR120 Kuka Robotic Arm and Rod Bender, MIG Welder) the design had to study the tectonic expression of the materials while also exploring potentials for joinery and assembly.

Looking at a variety of mid century modern pieces as precedent, our design aimed to create a thin, curved plane of GFRC suspended and supported by a steel rod structure. Rather than embedding fasteners into the concrete, we designed the frame so that the seat could be "pinned" in place using a steel rod that would eventually be welded into place. Upon designing the attachment method and seat geometry, we were able to iterate and design many different variations of the leg design. In doing so, we were able to both optimize the design (both structurally and aesthetically) while also better understanding the design language that began to form across the variations.

Final fabrication of the stools is in progress and on hold pending the reopening of the Taubman Fabrication facilities.



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